Wednesday, December 5, 2012

19 November 2012

I once heard the saying "THIS IS IT" By michael jackson.  Things are truly starting to feel real. I mean the way I speak spanish, the focus I have, the lessons I have learned and the changes I have made. Wow big change. 2 Years sound long to the world but for me it has gone by so fast. I can't believe the faith that I have gained to honestly feel like anything is possible. It all comes down to obedience. 
It was funny because last week I was talking to the other elders in my group and that were in the MTC with me and they all said"Darby, I thought you would be the most disobedient trouble maker" all 4 said that and one said "Darby, I knew you would change for the better" You could imagine that these words sound pretty harsh but as for me, I smiled and said "well Elders when you make a mistake you can always repent and will be forgiven" they looked at me shocked that I said this and then 1 said"elders I also thought I would be the same way!!!" It was fantastic but look at what has happened. I have to admit the one who has seen me change the most has to be Danielle because I wrote so many letters but I know you can all see what has happened. 
I have come to keep the rules and to reap the blessings. I have to say I had a dream last night and I saw myself starting the mission over again and I saw how I was and the desires I had then were so much different than now. I realize I am not perfect especially with my comp. now who has brought me down abit, but things are getting better. Just wait till you hear the story of him when I come home. It will shock you. 
So this week was pretty much a disaster and like I stated the other week, I thanked God for the hard time I had. The 2 baptisms both fell through and they didn't even go to church as well as most of the investigators. They all slept in yesterday but in every bad situation there is always something good right? There is a man who has to be the hardest person I have ever taught here and actually left me almost wordless a few times but this last week we found him...He is named Francisco and this man or should I say brother of mine is about 68 years old die hard catholic. He had a fall last week and fell in the bathroom almost cutting off his right hand.  As we sat down I said the first prayer and it was a prayer I hope to never forget. "Father please bring Francisco back so that we can be able to invite him to assist church" It felt weird as it left my mouth but sure enough 3 seconds later he came back. My eyes lit up and he sat down and looked different. We taught about the importance of obedience and promised many blessings to him. Then I asked "Francisco is there anything that would stop you from receiving these blessings?" he stated "no" I replied "what is the one reason that is stopping you from keeping all the comandments?" He said "I have my belief and you have yours, please stop" The spirit was strong as can be and I sat and stared into his eyes, not scared not worried but just happy. He finally said "elder Darby why do you want me to go to your church so bad?" Instead of answering I said "Francisco what is God telling you in this moment? Does he want you to go to his church or this church?" He said"yes he does"I said"then brother Francisco will you go to church this sunday?" he said nothing and we finally ended with a prayer. 
I kid you not that yesterday as I was sitting in the elders quorum listening to the class a sister from the ward said"elder there is a guy looking for you and sure enough it was him!!!! He made it to church sunday and after the class and sacrament meeting he said"Elder Darby it was worth every minute to come, I want to thank you and next sunday I will be back. Now he didn't say this out loud but rather with a defeated little mumble that i understood perfectly. This had to be the best and most rewarding moment because I knew in that moment that the sopirit of God testified through me and all I did was put myself in the right place and the right time. It was a truly incredible experince. 
One I will never forget. I want you all to know that we are just instruments here we are the latter day saints but we stay strong because we feel the spirit it does everything. I love it and it was a great experience. I love it here even though I am having a tough time, I still have the smile on my face and a positive attitude. I love you all with all my heart Love elder darby

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